Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Giver Post #2

In Jonas' new work package, one piece of paper outlined the 8 rules he had to live by.  Rule#8 stated "You may lie."

Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?  3 Sentences minimum.  (What would you feel/think if you were given this "permission"?)

Remember: Draft your answers in MS WORD. Edit them for clarity and details; PROOF READ them for COPS before copying them into the blog editor and posting them.


  1. I think Jonas was disturbed by this because all his life he was told never to lie. He may also find it disturbing because he doesn’t know how this could possibly tie into his occupation. My final estimation about why this may be disturbing is because he wants to know if everyone else has gotten the same instruction, but he may never know because they might be lying about that they can’t lie because they are able to lie.


  2. This is my reason why Jonas thought this rule was disturbing. Jonas thought this rule was disturbing because in his community lying is banned. If the elders knew he was lying and he didn’t have that assignment they could release him. Carly

  3. I think Jonas finds the 8th rule disturbing because in his community people are not allowed to lie to one another, if they do and others find out they get a chastisement. If I was given this rule and I lived in Jonas’s community I would feel uncomfortable because I don’t think I would want to lie to the people in my community because no one ever has except the past receivers of memory. Along with that I think I would also feel exited or special because I would be one of the only people who is allowed to lie.

  4. I think that Jonas finds lying so disturbing because nobody in the community lies and in school his teacher told his class not to lie. Jonas has never lied and I think it would make him nervous if he was allowed to lie.

  5. Jonas may have found it disturbing because other people might have gotten the same rules so they might be lying to him without him knowing. He may also feel disturbed because if he accidently lied then he might forget he is allowed so he will get worried about chastisement. If I were given this permission I wouldn’t use it unless I had to because if you are used to it then you will probably have a hard time lying.

  6. I think lying is new to Jonas because the civilization is to perfect and nobody is allowed to lie. Jonas is scared because he is not allowed to lie and does not want to be chastised over the speakers. Jonas had never lied before and was not used to the felling of it. By Jake

  7. I think Jonas finds the rule “You can lie” disturbing because since he was in the community the rules said that he wasn’t allowed to lie so he didn’t feel conferrable. If I got that assignment I would feel like Jonas I would be confused, scared and a little worried. I would think if I got this assignment why they would put “You can lie” in the rules because then since he could not lie all his life why can he now?

  8. I think that Jonas finds lying disturbing is because the law is giving him permission to lie but he does not like lying. What I think I would feel like if I got permission to lie is that I would feel mad because the law is letting you lie and lying can get you in big trouble. Jadenn

  9. I think that Jonas thought that rule #8 was disturbing because when he was not the receiver in the community he wasn’t allowed to lie and now he has the opportunity to lie so maybe it is a little strange to him about that rule. If I was allowed to lie I would feel really lonely because if I lied to a person and they found out that I lied to them they would not trust me again. Simmy.

  10. I think Jonas was so disturbed because nobody else is ever allowed to lie. I would have felt honored because I was the only one who could lie, but curious as to why I was allowed to lie. I would also feel a bit uncomfortable lying when nobody else does.

  11. Lying is disrespectful to other when you don’t have to hide anything. Once you lie some people feel guilty about because they have done the wrong thing and have to tell the truth. Halle

  12. I think he finds the fact that you can lie to other people one thing. I think Also the fact that he lied to other people. And that you never know if someone else lied to.

  13. Jonas is probably scared because he never lied due to chastisement. He must have wanted less power so he didn’t want to lie. I agree as well with him and I would be shook up a bit. Ryan

  14. Why he found it so disturbing was that everyone in his childhood learned not to lie. He was thinking did everybody have “you may lie” on their rules and everything in their childhood go to waste, well that would be something he would never know. Lots of times when you are upset you lie and do not get help to get back as yourself. I think he thought it might hurt him as a happy person. Branden

  15. I think that Jonas finds family or friends, and in his country lying a banned. And properly he wants to know if everyone got the same instruction. If I was given this permission, I would feel really sad, because I would not like to lie to my friends and my family.

  16. I think Jonas was disturbed because all his life he had been told not to lie and then all of the sudden he can lie. I would also find that weird. I would feel very nervous but a little happy at the same time. I would feel nervous because what if other people were allowed to lien and what if my parents had been lying to me. I would also feel nervous because if someone didn’t have that rule/permission and found out that I had that rule/permission and accused me of being a liar all the time!? I would feel slightly happy because if I could lie I could avoid awkward questions.

  17. I think Jonas feels rule #8 is so disturbing because he was taught not to lie and maybe he would feel like he can lie whenever he wants. I would feel like I can lie to whoever I want and I would think that I have the power to lie and no one could tell me I can’t.

  18. I think Jonas doesn’t like lying because he has never lied before. And it wouldn’t make him a good person. And if he lied to people everybody wouldn’t like him. And he probable doesn’t want to be a bad person. Cole

  19. I think Jonas found lying so disturbing because…1 he was never allowed to lie before. 2 no one else lies.3 he doesn’t like lying.


  20. Jonas finds the rule about lying because they were always taught not to lie. Lying is being dishonest, and in Jonas’ community he would get into more than a lot of trouble. If I lived in Jonas’ community and I got that instruction than I would feel a bit strange because lying is not good, but I might use it to my advantage because if someone asked me something I did not want to answer I wouldn’t have to tell them. Lying isn’t right so I probably wouldn’t use that rule. Catherine

  21. I personally would think that I have too much power for an age like Jonas’s. If I were a 12 I would kind of think it was a little unfair because he get all the power and all the other don’t. I would feel special if I were given this permission to do what other people can’t.


  22. I think I can understand why Jonas is so disturbed by this rule. I think it is because lying is not permitted in their commute. If I was given that rule, you may lie, I would be disturbed to. Rielle

  23. I think Jonas felt that the rule was disturbing because if no one else is allowed to lie then he would feel weird whenever he’s lying because if someone finds out about him lying he could get in trouble. He cant tell them about his assignment and that he can lie because the giver said he is not allowed to tell anybody.

  24. I would feel different because I wasn’t taught to lye and now I have the permission, I would think why do I now get this permission and should I use that opportunity I have to do something I have new done before or should I leave it and not lie?

  25. He would have felt different because he’s never lied before. He might be the only one who is allowed to lie. He thought he would have all the power in the world. Cameron

  26. I think Jonas feels a little weird about that rule because he was probably learned from when he was a baby he was taught to not lie. I think he feels uncomfortable because he is lying and he is never used to lie. I think he was given this permission because if someone asks him something he can’t tell someone the answer maybe that’s why he’s allowed to lie.

  27. I think Jonas finds lying so disturbing because he has always been told to tell the truth… And now he is getting told to lie. He also has a perfectly fine life so he shouldn’t have to lie to anybody.


  28. I think maybe Jones finds rule 8 disturbing because it is rood. Maybe he thought it was disturbing because there was a rule not to lie. Maybe he thought it was just mean. Jacob

  29. Jonas finds the #8 rule about lying wrong because his whole life he had lived by the rules of not lying and now he can. He also does want to tell the truth about things and not lie. Lying is the wrong thing to do you should always tell the truth and is Jonas had lived with no lying for 12 years then it would be hard for him to lie to his friends and also his family that he has known for so many years. J.M


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