Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Engineerium...

Once again the author, Kenneth Oppel, has selected certain words to help the reader get a feel for the mood of the chapter. Consider the following passage from the text:
How do the words in bold influence the reader, and what is the mood these word choices help to create?
Complete darkness did not greet us this time, but pale light, revealing a chamber even bigger than the last. Dark, silhouetted shapes hunched everywhere, as if ready to stand or spring. Our torch beams danced about nervously. Against the far wall was a bank of floor-to-ceiling windows, all iced over. Looming darkly in the corner was an enormous machine, bent like a gargantuan crone, peering out the window. It looked to me like a telescope. (p. 202)


  1. The words in bold influence the reader by making them think more about what is happening. The mood it creates is more suspense.

  2. The words in bold influence the reader by creating an image in the readers mind. The author uses incredible describing words to do this.


  3. I think the words in bold help the reader understand what the characters are thinking and feeling and it helps them to have a better understanding of what’s really going on


  4. The bold words are to give you a feeling of suspense and wondering of what’s going to come next.

  5. The bold words influence the reader because they are important words and they tell part of the sentence that the authors telling you. Carly

  6. These bold words definitely influence the reader because they are unusual and powerful. The words given make it sound like a creepy and gloomy place.


  7. The bold words are trying to get the reader’s attention by building pictures in their minds so they visualize what is happening even better.


  8. The author is trying to make a picture in the reader’s mind what it looks like inside the Hyperion and what they are going threw.Kobe

  9. When there are words in bold I think the writer is trying to tell the reader that the words are big, powerful and important words so the reader can visualize what the words in bold so they get a picture in their mind.

  10. I think that the words in bold means that there is something important that no one can predict because something may happen. Connor

  11. The bold picture means that it is trying to get the people in to book and it makes the person get a picture in their mind and it makes the word stand out better to make the reader know that it is an important word.

  12. I think the words in bold print help the reader create an image in their mind about what is going to happening in the story. Jadenn

  13. I think it helps you create a picture in your mind of the scene, for it is giving you details on what it would look like to be there. Branden

  14. I think that the words that the author has put in bold were descriptive words and he is trying to put a picture in peoples head with words like dark, gloomy, and torturous.


  15. Words in BOLD influence the reader because they see this word in big bold letters and it makes them want to know what they mean and understand it better it also makes the reader want to read more and more, I think the mood is scared, worried any dark kind of thought.

  16. The author is trying to make an image in the readers mind so it can make it easier to understand the passage and sometimes the bold words can give such a big influence that it may give you a hint and sometimes may want you to read more.Simmy

  17. I think the bold print helps the reader imagine a picture in the mind.Rielle.

  18. I think that the bold makes the reader see the image in their head and think what the character is thinking and feeling because the words stand out. Anika.

  19. Words that are bold stand out to the reader because it probably means that the word is important. The mood these word choices help to create are scary and worried.


  20. I think the bold words are trying to get the reader to really think about what it's trying to say. Almost like reading between the lines trying to think really hard about what the bold words are trying to say.


  21. Complete darkness are descriptive words, that he is trying to put an image in your head like take this for an example it was pitch black and there were objects that you couldn’t make the shape out. Halle

  22. The bold words make the reader make a picture in his or her mind. It will make the reader really wanting to read the book and it will make the reader excited.


  23. Nadira might be interested in Matt for Matt killed a pirate. Ben

  24. The word bold is having you take in the words and really picture the word, or have something stand out more than the rest. I think that the author is trying to get you to feel uneasy and let you see the hunched figures in a scared unhappy feeling. The author uses words to give you feeling of despair and darkness, letting you feel like you are in the book it’s self.

  25. I think the author Kenneth Oppel is trying to make you feel what Mate, Hale, Kate and Nidera are feeling. He is also using the descriptive words to make it tense for the reader.Jake

  26. Words in bold letters influence the reader because when they see big bold letters the reader thinks the words are important and they want to read more. I think the mood is scared and worried.

  27. I think the author Kenneth Oppel is trying to make you feel what Mate, Hale, Kate and Nidera are feeling. He is also using the descriptive words to make it tense for the reader.Jake

  28. Words in bold letters influence the reader because when they see big bold letters the reader thinks the words are important and they want to read more. I think the mood is scared and worried.

  29. I think the words in bold influence the reader because it makes the reader feel nervous. Jacob

  30. Words in bold letters influence the reader because when they see big bold letters the reader thinks the words are important and they want to read more. I think the mood is scared and worried.

  31. I think the bold words make it sound really exiting and make a reader want to read the book. J.M

  32. The words in bold letters influence the reader because it makes them think that something bad is going to happen. Cole


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